Today has been a busy one. Every mother knows what it's like have a list a mile long, so my day started something like this.
I got Aubrey to a basketball camp at 9am, Ella's swim lessons at 9:50am, then down to Aubrey's school to get scrip for his uniforms. They were out of scrip....bummer......but they have a table of giveaways (clothes that other kids have outgrown) and I got a few items....score! Then we stop at the consignment shop I sell my tutu's at, and I find out I've sold all but one,....score! Then we go home, cram in lunch, get back in the car to go pick up Aubrey from camp at 1pm.
Oh I'm tired just writing this. Then Aubrey starts to tell me about the coach lady that made them do push ups on their elbows and knees because some kids were throwing their food around. He said "she called them suicide push ups", and then I told him that that meant you kill yourself, to which he replied "I know, she's trying to kill us". And then I replied, "son, then that would be murder".
He's tired because he went to bed too late last night but that's just not right. I mean this is NOT basic training here, this is a camp I paid money for so that my kid could have fun, and instead he's been traumatized. I try not to loose it because Ella and Ryan are so tired they're melting down too. We get home and I put the younger two down for a nap, and try and talk to Aubrey. He says he doesn't want to go back and then he gets invited to a neighbors house and he's out of here.
Then it's back in the car to a cub scout picnic at 5pm. Wyatt has to work late so I think to myself, "self this will be fun". We get there and haul all four chairs, sippy cups, my purse, and the kids and we get set up. They have a great time playing in the sand, and on the toys, and then they have a water balloon fight. Then the clouds start looking foreboding but hey there is pizza and watermelon and the kids are having fun. It starts to rain lightly so we continue to eat. Then it starts lightening, thundering, and pouring. And as if it couldn't get any worse the wind started kicking. We are all soaking wet and the car is so far away. So the 20 of us try and huddle under this pavilion that is quite small.
My poor sweet 23 month old Ryan is yelling, "done, done, all done". Ella is crying and hunkering by my legs and Aubrey is running around in the storm with his friends like maniacs. So we decide to run to the restrooms to hang out for a while until it passes. The bathroom has poop smeared all over the wall (I kid you not) and then a girl comes in to use it(it's a one stall), so needless to say we're back outside in the rain. Thank goodness for the kind people there to help me carry my chairs and Ella, while I'm carrying Ryan and the other chairs as we run through the mud and muck to the car.
Now it's drama central, there is crying, and "I'm cold", and all kinds of drama on the drive home. The radio says there is flash flooding going on in our area, no shit! I was driving through two feet of water much of the way home. Wyatt calls to tell me he is home and see if we are alright, to which I reply, "no we're not alright, we are soaking wet, the kids are crying and I've had it".
So we stripped everyone of their clothes and gave them all a bath and put them to bed, and now it's 8:30 and they are still getting out of bed saying their hungry! I swear motherhood is NOT for the weak! So I sit here on my computer enjoying a glass of wine and trying to laugh about all of this. After all I started this blog for therapy and today is one of those days I need therapy! Oh and we're out of milk so Wyatt went to the store...........HELP!
I've always loved to tell my life story as..well a story, so I decided to start a blog. I am a military wife and a mother of three, so it's easy to come up with material. I just talk about what happens in my daily life and I guarantee it's hard to believe that some days this is my life! I hope you enjoy my blogs and at least get a good laugh! Have a fantastic day! Gina
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Our Family Trip to South Dakota

Well friends, my husband decided it would be a great idea to take a family trip to South Dakota, since we are only 8 hours away. And as he put it, "We probably won't be this close to Mt. Rushmore again." So even though I had nagging voices in my head saying "don't do it", we decided to proceed.
The trip there was relatively uneventful, we stopped often, had a picnic lunch somewhere in Wyoming, and overall the kids handled it pretty well. In two days we saw Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial, Rushmore Caves, Custer State Park, and a few other fun little places along the way.
Since we were touring around, the kids never got more than a 20 minute doze in the car, and they were up most nights until 9 or 10pm, so you can imagine that they were getting pretty tired. I decided to include in this post a few hilarious/exhausting moments:
1) We were driving along and Ella and Ryan took off their shoes in the car. Out of nowhere, Ella says "it smells like toe jam in here!". We busted out laughing!
2) Ryan waves at a helicopter and says "hi Gigi". It's so funny because my mom left a week and a half ago and he thinks she's still on an aircraft somewhere in the sky. Super cute for a kid that's not even two yet!
3) We are at a park when Ella runs to swing on her stomach, and goes over the swing and does a nose dive into some pea gravel. Needless to say she is scraped up on her nose, upper lip and chin. She is bawling and bleeding everywhere. We tell Aubrey (7) and Ryan (23 months) that we need to go because Ella is hurt. Aubrey says, "what, we've only been here like 5 minutes". That didn't go over very well since we were all exhausted, and Ella was hurt! So the next day I told Aubrey to look at his sisters face, and that's why we had to go home, to which he replied, "I hate myself for it". And he was serious, Hilarious!
4)The last night we were there we went to Mt. Rushmore for the night time ceremony which meant we didn't get back to the hotel until 10:30. Everyone was borderline delirious and Aubrey was acting so horrible. I finally told him to stop acting like a jerk. I know, I win mother of the year for that, but he was acting like one. So we all go to bed and I had forgotten all about that remark I made, but Aubrey didn't. He told me the next day that he forgave me for saying that. All I could do was laugh and explain that we all say things we don't mean sometimes. Talk about humility!
So that about covers it, we had a good time but came home exhausted. We have great pictures to prove to the kids that we did take them to South Dakota because I'm sure Aubrey is the only one who will remember it. So needless to say it will be a while before we willingly take another road trip, but I'm glad we did it!
Friday, July 2, 2010
A great husband
On June 30 2010, my sweet husband Wyatt had the day off. The movie Eclipse was coming out and, for those of you under a rock, it's the third installment in the Twlight Saga. Well you could say I'm slightly obsessed. I read the books a few years ago and now have seen all of the movies out so far.
Sorry, I digress. I wanted to go see the showing at midnight on eve of the 29th, but they were sold out so I bought tickets online for the 10am showing on the 30th. Wyatt had the day off and my mom was still in town, so I asked Wyatt to go with me. He not only said he would go with me, but waited in line for over an hour while we waited to get in to the theater.
Needless to say I was much more excited about the movie than Wyatt, but the point is, he went with me and didn't even complain. I love you husband!
Upon further reflection I have humored him a time or two. Take the time I was 8 months pregnant with my oldest, and living in South Carolina. He drug me to a Bad Company concert outside in August! I was battling hypertension, and my ankles were, well, cankles! While he was hooting and hollering I was sitting in a chair hot as heck and making lots of trips to the not so clean bathrooms. And then there was the time that we went to a Metallica concert because they gave free tickets to the military. Not only was I wearing ear plugs and still it was too loud, but all of the husbands there said, "oh my wife refused to come". Great!
So while I don't want to take away Wyatt's kudos for accompanying me to the movie Eclipse, I guess all is fair in love and war!
Sorry, I digress. I wanted to go see the showing at midnight on eve of the 29th, but they were sold out so I bought tickets online for the 10am showing on the 30th. Wyatt had the day off and my mom was still in town, so I asked Wyatt to go with me. He not only said he would go with me, but waited in line for over an hour while we waited to get in to the theater.
Needless to say I was much more excited about the movie than Wyatt, but the point is, he went with me and didn't even complain. I love you husband!
Upon further reflection I have humored him a time or two. Take the time I was 8 months pregnant with my oldest, and living in South Carolina. He drug me to a Bad Company concert outside in August! I was battling hypertension, and my ankles were, well, cankles! While he was hooting and hollering I was sitting in a chair hot as heck and making lots of trips to the not so clean bathrooms. And then there was the time that we went to a Metallica concert because they gave free tickets to the military. Not only was I wearing ear plugs and still it was too loud, but all of the husbands there said, "oh my wife refused to come". Great!
So while I don't want to take away Wyatt's kudos for accompanying me to the movie Eclipse, I guess all is fair in love and war!
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