Monday, April 19, 2010

The Pukes

So I'm feeling much better today after a very nasty Sunday! My daughter Ella woke up at about 6am yesterday and said her tummy hurt. I put her in bed with us and then she started making a gagging noise, so I said "are you going to throw up?", I yanked her out of our bed and to the toilet. Then after I got her back to bed, I started thinking that my stomach didn't feel very good either! So to make a disgusting story less disgusting, I was sick all day long! We had so many plans for our Sunday, none which included me on the couch in misery all day.

So it's only 9am and I'm on the couch with Ella laying beside me because she still doesn't feel very well, and the other two running wild. My husband announces he's going to church. To my horror I say "you're going to church?". Nevermind that I'm dying over here!!! So he leaves all three kids with me, goes to church and when he comes back he says "feeling any better?".
Are you KIDDING ME???? In my husbands defense, I don't think he knew how bad I was feeling and how sick I was. So for the rest of the day he was in charge which mostly meant handling the kids in between playing super mario brothers......I swear if I have to listen to that game another minute I will go insane! He did however, run and get us some ginger ale, chicken noodle soup, gatorade, and he made dinner for the kids because the smell of food was enough to send me back to the bathroom!~ So Hooah to my Army husband that is so very capable of taking care of things when I'm down!

I did have a reminder yesterday of how wonderful it is when you are healthy and you feel great! I mean even today when I'm still not completely back to myself, but I feel 100% better than yesterday, it's a great day!
To quote The Zack Brown Band, "Life is good today".

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